Option 1 - Research paper in partner journal
Submissions should adhere to the Guide for Authors provided by the partner journal to which the work is being submitted. Each paper will undergo an initial screening to ensure it aligns with the journal's scope, followed by an evaluation of its quality and content. Based on these criteria, the paper will either be recommended for further consideration or not.
Option 2 - Conference paper in Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
The following instructions were created for submissions as conference papers to the Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering.
Please download and follow these essential guidelines when preparing your paper:
- All papers must comply with the Springer guidelines (paper template). Papers with another formatting will be rejected without review. The submission should correspond to the Conference Topics. Otherwise, it will be declined from further consideration without review.
Plagiarism is strictly monitored and will be checked by iThenticate. Any paper having more than 10% plagiarism will not be accepted for publication.
All papers will be checked for the English language.
The minimum length of the paper is 8 (eight) pages, and the maximum is 10 (ten) pages, including all figures, tables, and references. Papers less than 8 pages will be rejected. In another case, each additional page after 10 pages will be charged 75 EUR per page. The maximum paper length is 15 pages.
The title, abstract, authors, and affiliations, as well as the order of authors in the submission system, should be the same as in your paper.
It is preferable to use ORCID for all co-authors (please visit https://orcid.org for registration).
Use Title Case for the paper title, i.e., capitalizing all main words. Do not include academic titles or descriptions of academic positions in the paper.
Leave only one email address (Corresponding Author) in the paper. All communication will be realized with the Corresponding Author only. The Corresponding Author should specify the corporative email only.
The abstract should summarize the content (goal, scientific novelty, practical value, used methods, main results, etc.) of the paper in short form, i.e., 150-250 words. The abstract should objectively represent the article: it must not contain results that are not presented and substantiated in the main text and should not exaggerate the main conclusions.
Keywords cannot duplicate the words and(or) phrases from the paper's title.
The paper should be prepared using the following structure: 1 Introduction, 2 Literature Review, 3 Research Methodology, 4 Results and Discussion, 5 Conclusions, 6 Acknowledgment (if necessary).
The 1 Introduction should briefly place the study in a broad context and highlight its importance. It should define the aim of the work and its significance, including specific hypotheses being tested. Keep the introduction comprehensible to scientists working outside the topic of the paper.
In the 2 Literature Review, the current state of the research field should be reviewed carefully, and key publications should be cited. Please highlight controversial and diverging hypotheses when necessary. Finally, briefly highlight the main conclusions of the review. The Editorial Board encourages you to cite recent up-to-date literature indexed by databases Scopus and Web of Science Core Collection (peer-reviewed journals with Q1/Q2 quartiles are preferable). The recommended References List is 15-25 literature resources. Please avoid non-English references and group references. Each reference should be critically discussed separately.
In the 3 Research Methodology, methods should be described sufficiently to allow others to replicate and build on published results. New methods and protocols should be described in detail, while well-established methods can be briefly described and appropriately cited. Give the name and version of any software used and clarify whether the computer code is available.
The 4 Results and Discussion provide a concise and precise description of the experimental results, their interpretation, and the experimental conclusions that can be drawn. Authors should discuss the results and how they can be interpreted from previous studies and the working hypotheses. The findings and their implications should be discussed in the broadest context possible, and the limitations of the work should be highlighted. Future research directions may also be mentioned.
The 5 Conclusions summarize the major results obtained by adding qualitative and quantitative data. Also, plans for further research may be added.
In the 6 Acknowledgment (if necessary), add information regarding funding or any other support that helped to obtain the research results.
- Self-citation is allowed, but no more than 15% of sources are in the reference list (in the case of citing previous studies on the same topic). This issue will be strictly monitored.
Use high-quality figures in your paper (resolution at least 300 dpi).
- For references, Springer prefers the use of square brackets and consecutive numbers. The following bibliography provides a sample reference list with entries for journal articles [1], an LNME chapter [2], a book [3], and proceedings without editors [4]. It is desirable to include the DOI for each reference.
Author, F.: Article title. Journal 2(5), 99–110 (2022). DOI: …
Author, F., Author, S.: Title of a proceedings paper. In: Editor, F., Editor, S. (eds.) CONFERENCE 2022, LNME, vol. 9999, pp. 1–13. Springer, Heidelberg (2022). DOI: …
Author, F., Author, S., Author, T.: Book title. 2nd edn. Publisher, Location (2022). DOI: …
Author, F.: Contribution title. In: 9th International Proceedings on Proceedings, pp. 1–2. Publisher, Location (2022). DOI: …
Any references to sources (books, papers, sites, etc.) by states sponsors of terrorism, i.e., according to the European Parliament and other International Institutions and their representatives, must be avoided! Papers submitted by their representatives will also be rejected immediately.
PLEASE NOTE the number of co-authors is limited to up to five persons. One person can submit several papers but only one paper as the first author.